Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) Student Course


The ATLS® Program was developed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) , aiming at improving the care for trauma patients. The Course teaches well-established treatment techniques and approaches in a systematic manner by presenting a concise method of establishing assessment and management priorities in the care of the trauma patient.

ATLS-1The ATLS® Program emphasises the first hour of initial assessment and primary management of the injured patient, starting at the point in time of injury and continuing through initial assessment, life-saving intervention, re-evaluation, stabilisation, and when needed, transfer to a facility in which the patient can receive specialised care, such as a trauma centre.

The ATLS® Program has been exported to nearly 30 countries all over the world.

The China-Hong Kong Chapter of the ACS promulgated the ATLS® Program in collaboration with the Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong.

The Inaugural ATLS® Course in Hong Kong was held in January 1997 under the auspices of the ACS-COT. Up to September 2016, a total of 136 Student Courses and 13 Instructor Courses were organised and trained over 2,100 doctors from various specialties and hospitals.

Learning Objectives

Based on well-established principles and objectives of trauma management, the course is intended to provide doctors with ONE acceptable method for SAFE, immediate management and the basic knowledge necessary to:

  • assess the patient's condition rapidly and accurately;
  • resuscitate and stabilize the patient on a priority basis;
  • determine if the patient's needs will likely exceed a facility's capabilities;
  • arrange for the patient's interhospital transfer; and
  • assure that optimum care is provided each step of the way.



Course Description

The Student Course is a two-and-half-day course, consisting of pre- and post-course tests, core content lectures, case presentations, discussions, development of life-saving manipulative skills, practical laboratory experience, and a final performance proficiency evaluation. Criteria for successful completion of the ATLS® Course includes:

  • full attendance at the entire course;
  • adherence to course content and the ability to demonstrate practical skills as outlined in the ATLS® textbook;
  • achieving a minimum score of 75% on the written post-test; and
  • successful completion of a final assessment station.

Upon completion of the Course, doctors should feel confident in implementing the trauma skills taught in this Course. The qualification of an ATLS® Provider status is valid for four years. More details of the ATLS program and its regulations are available here.

Note: Live swine are used in Surgical Skills Practicum

Target Participants

Doctors with at least one year of clinical experience

Teaching Medium

For courses taught in Hong Kong: Course manual, teaching medium and materials are in English.
For courses taught in Shenzhen: Course manual, teaching medium and materials are in Chinese (Putonghua).


Laboratory Block
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
21 Sassoon Road
Pokfulam, Hong Kong


Number of Participants

16 per course

Course Fee

  • Local participants: HK$ 16,000*
    *Trainees of the following specialties will receive full sponsorships from the Hospital Authority if they attend and finish the whole course.
    • Accident & Emergency
    • Anaesthesia
    • Clinical Oncology
    • Ear, Nose & Throat
    • Family Medicine
    • Intensive Care Unit
    • Medicine
    • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
    • Orthopaedics & Traumatology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Paediatrics
    • Pathology
    • Psychiatry
    • Radiology
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Surgery
    • Cardiothoracic Surgery
    • Neurosurgery

    Applicants who wish to be considered for HA sponsorship must submit the following once the enrolment is confirmed:
    • A letter issued by the employer stating the applicant's current employing hospital, specialty and training status
    • A cheque payment of HK$16,000 made payable to the "CHKC-ACS". The cheque shall be returned upon completion of the course.

    HA sponsorship will not apply in case of late cancellation. Please see Cancellation Policy for details.

  • Mainland participants: HK$15,000 (Around RMB 13,000)
  • Overseas participants: US$2,000

Course Manual

The Course Manual will be provided to enrolled participants four weeks before the course.


No accommodation is provided.

Traveling VISA

Overseas candidates must ensure that they have obtained a valid VISA to visit Hong Kong.


Hong Kong
14-15 March 2024 , Thursday to Friday (English Course in Hong Kong)
5-6 September 2024, Thursday to Friday (English Course in Hong Kong)
7-8 November 2024, Thursday to Friday (English Course in Hong Kong)

Course Schedule

Course Schedule

How to apply

1. Use a paper application form:

  1. Form for Local Applicants (English form)
  2. Form for Mainland Applicants(中文表格)
  3. Form for Overseas Applicants

2. Use the online form below

Online Application Form



 Female Male



Chinese Name (If applicable)




Experience in Trauma Care

Correspondence Address*

Tel (Office)*

Fax (Office)

Pager / Mobile*


Fields / Years of Training

Accident & Emergency Year(s)
Anaesthesia Year(s)
Clinical Oncology Year(s)
Ear, Nose & Throat Year(s)
Family Medicine Year(s)
Intensive Care Unit Year(s)
Medicine Year(s)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Year(s)
Orthopaedics & Traumatology Year(s)
Ophthalmology Year(s)
Paediatrics Year(s)
Pathology Year(s)
Psychiatry Year(s)
Radiology Year(s)
Nuclear Medicine Year(s)
Surgery Year(s)
Cardiothoracic Surgery Year(s)
Neurosurgery Year(s)

Other Info

Year of Graduation

If you have an urgent need to attend the ATLS® Course, please state the reason and your preferred date:


Must complete the Course on or before


 Chinese (Course will be held in Shenzhen) English (Course will be held in Hong Kong)

Special diet request (if any)

* - Required

Course Fee

Local: HK$16,000 (Trainees of certain specialties are eligible to receive full sponsorship from the Hospital Authority. Please refer to the Course Fee section in the Description tab for more details.)
Overseas: US$2,000


 (Required) 1. I declare all information provided in this application form and the attached documents (if any) are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.

 (Required) 2. I consent to follow the Rules and Regulations of the Centre once I enrol on the Course.

 (Optional) 3. I consent to allow my name and relevant information, including country, specialty, affiliated hospital and dates of course completed, to be published on the website of the CHKC-ACS ( after successful completion of the course.


Course Application

Successful applicants will be informed individually and should reply on or before the deadline as specified if they accept the offer. Failure to reply before the deadline will result in cancellation of the admission offer. The enrolled space will then be released to another applicant. Places on the course are non-transferable.

Applicants not being contacted 4 weeks before the course commencement should consider their applications being placed on the waiting list.

Payment Procedure

Once the enrolment is confirmed,

For local applicants: a cheque payment of HK$16,000 made payable to “CHKC - ACS” should be sent to the mailing address. Please write your name (in BLOCK LETTERS) at the back of the cheque and use one cheque for each applicant.

For overseas applicants: a telegraph transfer of US$2,000 should be made (for overseas applicants) on or before the deadline specified. Payment details shall be provided later.

*Please note that failure to pay before the deadline specified will result in cancellation of the enrolment.

Withdrawal Policy

Application for withdrawal must be addressed to the ATLS Program Manager in writing.

Application for withdrawal received (in written format) Fee Refundable
5 or less then 5 days after payment is received 50%
More than 5 days after payment is received Nil

Accordingly, applicants of the ATLS Student Course who intend to receive HA sponsorship will have to pay for the course fee (50% or full) on their own if they withdraw from the course. HA sponsorship will not apply.

Course Cancellation

In the event of course cancellation, a full refund will be arranged for registered participants.

Check here if you agree to the declaration and notes above.